
Webinárium Retsch Ball Mills - The world's largest range for any application

Ball mills are the best solution when the aim is to finely pulverise typically hard but at the same time friable samples. The large number of available solutions in terms of volumes, available jar/bead materials and milling modes (dry/wet/cryo) make ball mills the perfect solution for many applications. In the free webinar “Retsch Ball Mills: the world's largest range for any application” on Tuesday, 20 June, the numerous grinding systems associated with different application requirements will be presented. During the online event, you will have the opportunity to find out which mill best suits your needs and how best to configure it to optimize your grinding process.


  • Overview of available solutions, technical features and accessories
  • How to choose the most suitable model for your needs and how to configure it best
  • Wet-Nanomilling
  • Cryogenic and Temperature Controlled Milling
  • Application examples with focus on : Mechanochemistry, XRF, Asbestos, Soil, Nanomilling
  • New Products/Accessories


Gianmarco Gavazzi, RETSCH Product Manager – Verder Scientific Italy

Anna Maria Fustolo, Internal Sales Verder Scientific Italia

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