
Webinárium Sample Preparation for Analysis in the Agro-Food Industry

Food occurs in a great variety of consistencies and is often inhomogeneous. Food-Feed testing labs require representative samples to produce meaningful and reproducible analysis results. Therefore, food/Feed samples must be homogenized and pulverized to the required analytical fineness, ideally with as little time and effort as possible during grinding and cleaning process.

During the webinar offered by Retsch 'Sample Preparation for Analysis in the Agro/Food Industry', the different grinding techniques and determination of sample particle size will be presented. Thanks to Retsch's webinar, you will also be able to identify the optimal preparation system depending on the sample.


  • How to obtain a representative and homogeneous sample for subsequent analysis (sample partitioning)
  • How to choose the most suitable grinding system for your needs
  • Knife Mills: Main features and application examples
  • Rotor Mills: Main features and application examples
  • Cutting Mills: Main features and application examples
  • Controlled Temperature/Cryogenic Grinding with Ball Mills: Main features and application examples
  • How to effectively clean a grinding system
  • Particle size analysis and control


Gianmarco Gavazzi, RETSCH Product Manager – Verder Scientific Italy

Anna Maria Fustolo, Internal Sales Verder Scientific Italia

Közelgő webináriumok / szemináriumok

Időpont : 20. április 2023
14:30 - 15:00 
Nyelv: Italian